Thursday, August 26, 2010

Training #5

Today went to bird park with awesome peers.! So nice of them to turn up for this lousy event. I enjoy myself a lot at the bird park and hope you guys enjoy too. Then watch grown-up at JPGV, then dinner at Boonlay Place. Lastly, drink and slack at the best carpark.
I had a super fufill day that will definetly stay in my memories till old.

Reach home later and went for training #5

Conclusion, even a bit of alcohol drank would cause you not able to concentrade training.
I run 1/2 round around my neighbourhood
I did 150 Sit-up
I did 60 Push-up
I did 150 (Skipping rope jump without a skipping rope yet)

I think I no need declare of not smoking anymore cause I do not have the urge to smoke at all. Not even share with anyone, or getting ciggrattes from friends. Howevery , I ate Maggi Mee Supper cook by my Sis. Its always hard to reject to such a kind offer when I ask her to =)

Now is 2.22am, and I go to sleep now ... !