Happy Latern Festivals To ALL.
I was at my counter, looking at the playground infront of me. I saw children carrying all sorts of laterns, and some playing with their candles and matches.
Seeing the light of candles, give us feel of hope.
Yet this particular indian guy, sorry I am not here to pratice racism. He came over to my counter and told me you have to stop these children.
I replied : "If you want, you can call the police".
He replied :" What's your name?"
I replied : "Tecksiong"
He replied :" I will complain you".
I do not understand if he is so unhappy about people playing with candle, he can just go to them or call the police instead of me working at the counter. Is not as if the children are burning my counter. Anyway, only once in a year we celebrate lantern festival. Like them too, once a year celebrate deepavali where they also need oil lamps. So please think through your head, before you want to complain anyone!
Missed being a child to celebrate lantern festival with all my friends, I had gone through it and will educate my child next time.