Sunday, August 22, 2010

Second Attempt (Training)

Remember 3 days back when I first attempted to train.
I did a run one round around my neighbourhood
I did 100 Sit-up
I did 50 Push-up.

Today my second attempt,
I run 1-1/2 round around my neighbourhood
I did 150 Sit-up
I did 60 Push-up
I did 150 (Skipping rope jump without a skipping rope yet)

I believe I slightly improve but still way too far from target. Or anyone see what I had done might just laugh at me and say "YOU ARE WEAK". But I am going to prove them wrong.

Same for today I did not smoke, and I ate mixed rice, 2 slice watermelon, 2 chessy hotdog, 1 kachang and NO SUPPER !

And going to force myself to sleep before 2am.



我又要起床迎接新的一天 .........
