I think currently I am still able to manage the two jobs at the same time. Both job issued schedule at different timing so it just enable me to write schedule for both work without clashing one another.
Learning a lot of beverages at Applebee's and felt happy after work as I am able to make drinks for customers that did not end up complaning to me that the drinks is too sweet or the drinks had no taste. This is the sense of achievement I get at Applebee's. Now I am able to make drinks like oreo shakes, strawberry shakes, chocolate shakes, Cherry Limeade, Flavoured Lemonade for non-achohol drinks. Then for achohol drinks I can make mudslide, perfect magraita and more to learn.. haha.
Then back to work at GV that I had at Jurong Point. Having them to work together is always so awesome and felt like one big family. Working here always no need to check your watch to see what time you finish work as it always go past so fast. We will fool and play around while working and that the secret to happy working.
End this post with inspration chinese phrase,